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Drug Awareness Consultancy 

The misuse of drugs in society does cause significant problems in society. Recreational drug use on a licensed premises does have its own particular problems, with many consequences of illegal drug use and drug dealing on a licensed premises, which include:


  • Loss of reputation

  • Legal complications

  • Increase of medical emergencies

  • Increase in fights

  • Loss of income

  • Closure of a licensed premises

  • Impact of staff safety


Dealing with issues of illegal drug misuse is not an easy, quick fix. It will take time and energy, where vigilance has to be increased, coupled with strong systems being implemented. 


Licensing Professionals do provide effective strategies to deal with problems which are associated with the use of controlled drugs. The  approach we use are proactive measures which are designed to both  discourage and prevent drug misuse and drug dealing on your premsies.


Our effective approach can be broken down into 4 simple but effective steps:


  • Identification

  • Drug Policies

  • Workplace Systems

  • Training


Step 1

We identify the problems which are present at your premises from the misuse of drugs.


Step 2

We put an appropriate zero tolerance drugs policies into place (in conjunction with the police where appropriate).


Step 3

We carfully examine the design of your premises, helping to identify where improvements can be made. We also implement a risk rating system different areas; produce systems of operation and supervision specific to each individual workplace.


Step 4

Effective training is imperative. We design a training programme which is based on the outcome of the consultancy project. This helps to allow staff to take ownership of the drugs policies in place and their enforcement.


Our bespoke training package provides employees information on:


  • Different Classes of drugs

  • How to recognise many types of drugs

  • How to identify drug litter

  • How to recognise if drug use and drug dealing is taking place

  • How to put preventative measures into place. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.



0208 066 8568

©2024 by Dynamo Training Solutions T/A Licensing Professionals 

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