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Do I need to register an alcohol delivery service?

Writer's picture: Simon FrancisSimon Francis

Do I need to register an alcohol delivery service?. In short yes you do. Registering an alcohol delivery service with your licensing authority typically involves applying for a premises license with specific conditions that allow for the sale of alcohol for delivery. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1. Determine the Type of License Required

  • Premises License: Most alcohol delivery services require a premises license under the Licensing Act 2003 (in the UK). This license permits the sale of alcohol from a specific location, even if the alcohol is delivered elsewhere.

  • Additional License for Off-Sales: If you already have a premises license for a physical location (e.g., a bar, restaurant, or store), you may need to add a condition allowing "off-sales" (selling alcohol for consumption off the premises).

  • Personal License for a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS): A DPS, who holds a personal license, is usually required to oversee alcohol sales and ensure they comply with regulations.

2. Check Local Requirements

  • Licensing Authority: Contact your local licensing authority (usually the local council) to understand specific requirements, as regulations can vary by location.

  • Additional Permits: Some areas may require additional permits or have specific restrictions on alcohol delivery hours and conditions.

3. Prepare Your Application

  • Application Form: Obtain the application form from your local licensing authority’s website or office. This form typically requires information about your business, proposed delivery process, and location of the premises where alcohol will be stored.

  • Operating Schedule: Include an operating schedule that outlines:

    • The days and hours you plan to sell alcohol for delivery.

    • A description of the delivery process, including how you’ll manage age verification.

    • Measures you’ll implement to ensure safety and compliance (e.g., training for delivery drivers, customer age checks).

  • Plan of the Premises: Provide a detailed floor plan that shows the storage area and any areas where alcohol will be handled. This is especially important if the alcohol is stored in a different location from your main business premises.

4. Consult with Relevant Authorities

  • Responsible Authorities: Your licensing authority will consult with other responsible authorities, such as the police, fire service, and environmental health, as part of the application review process. It can be helpful to consult with them early to address any potential concerns.

5. Advertise Your Application

  • Public Notice: You may be required to advertise your application in a local newspaper and display a notice at your premises. This allows the public and local residents to review and comment on your application.

  • Consultation Period: There’s typically a 28-day consultation period during which objections or comments can be made by the public or responsible authorities.

6. Attend a Hearing (if Required)

  • Addressing Objections: If objections are raised during the consultation period, you may need to attend a hearing to address any concerns. The licensing authority will review the objections and decide on the conditions or restrictions that may apply to your license.

7. Implement Age Verification Measures

  • Challenge 21 or Challenge 25 Policy: It’s essential to have a robust age verification policy in place, such as Challenge 21 or Challenge 25, where delivery drivers ask for ID if the recipient appears under the required age.

  • Staff Training: Train all staff involved in the delivery process on checking IDs and following age verification policies to ensure compliance.

8. Obtain Your License and Begin Operations

  • License Conditions: Once approved, carefully review the license conditions, as they may include specific delivery times, requirements for age verification, and any restrictions on where alcohol can be delivered.

  • Record Keeping: Maintain accurate records of all alcohol sales and deliveries. Some authorities require delivery logs that detail who purchased, where the alcohol was delivered, and the age verification conducted.

Do I need to register an alcohol delivery service? Additional Considerations

  • Compliance with Alcohol Advertising Laws: Ensure that your marketing and advertising comply with local laws on alcohol promotion.

  • Delivery Partner Compliance: If you use a third-party delivery service, ensure they understand your licensing conditions and age verification requirements.

Licensing Professionals guide to the Licensing Act 2003
Do I need to register an alcohol delivery service?

If you need assistance and guidance with registering with your local authority for alcohol delivery, our Licensing Professionals are here to help. Feel free to contact us today for more information.

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